
Welcome to the official USC PLS webpage!

We hope you are enjoying the academic year so far. Stay tuned for monthly updates with our mentorship program and upcoming application process.

About the USC Phi Chapter


To encourage, recognize, and promote leadership in pharmacy

The purpose of Phi Lambda Sigma is to promote leadership qualities, especially among student pharmacists.  The Society encourages participation in all pharmacy activities, and because membership does not cross fraternal and organizational lines, the Society does not compete with other pharmacy organizations. Phi Lambda Sigma honors leadership, selecting members through peer and faculty recognition. Such recognition instills and enhances self-confidence, encourages less active students to become involved, and promotes greater effort toward the advancement of pharmacy.  


The Phi Chapter of Phi Lambda Sigma at the University of Southern California, School of Pharmacy, was founded in 1988. As a leadership society, we serve to encourage, recognize, promote and develop leadership qualities in pharmacy.  The Phi Chapter is comprised of the top leaders at the USC School of Pharmacy. Membership is exclusive, and deservingly so, as it reflects the quality of students selected. In no way is Phi Lambda Sigma an "officer's club." Membership, although exclusive, is not out of reach for students passionate about professional leadership. Chapter members are chosen based on one's initiative and performance as a leader in all facets of pharmacy, not based on the number of positions held. This includes, but is not limited to, involvement in professional organizations, committees, organizational activities, and school activities, as well as leadership positions related to pharmacy. The initiation and success of new ideas and activities is highly regarded, as simply holding a position is not necessarily synonymous with being a leader. The ability to work well and communicate with others on a professional basis is fundamental. Support from colleagues is of the utmost importance to allow good ideas to be transformed into action.

Membership applications are typically distributed in December and due by January. Interested students must list all leadership experience, write a statement of interest, and provide two letters of recommendation. Selected applicants will receive an invitation for an interview with the current PLS board. Stay tuned for information regarding membership.

Additional questions regarding membership and the application process can be directed to the Phi Chapter's board members at